with Horse and Hound



Nothing is more terrifying during early Autumn Hunting in the East than when a member of field yells “BEES!”. Yellow Jackets are a dangerous surprise that can cause complete chaos in late summer (Yellow Jackets are wasps, not bees, but when in the moment the fewer syllables required to scream a warning is best). There are some precautions everyone should take when riding out in the country in late summer to prevent injury from falling off a panicked horse, anaphylactic shock from a venom allergy (for both horse and rider), and permanently terrifying new riders to never ride out of the ring again.
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One More Race for American Pharoah

One more chance is in the offing to watch American Pharoah race. Reuters reports that American Pharoah will run his last race in the Breeders’ Cup Classic at Keeneland in Lexington, Kentucky on October 31, 2015, after which he will be retired to stud. Owner Ahmed Zayat was reported to be on the fence, but leaning toward retiring the Triple Crown winner after his surprising second-place finish in the Travers. After discussions with trainers, jockey, and family, however, Zayat decided that the horse deserves “another chance.” The welfare of the horse was a big factor in the decision, and, happily, American Pharoah is reported to have come out of his last race in great shape, despite a less than expected performance. Click for more details in the Reuters report by Mark Lamport-Stokes. Posted September 6, 2015... This content is for subscribers only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here
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To Foxhunting Life readers who receive our free e-magazine, FHL WEEK:... This content is for subscribers only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here
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Don Little, Myopia MFH, Dead of Injuries Sustained in Show Jumping Accident

Donald V. Little, MFH of the Myopia Hunt in Hamilton, Massachusetts, died on February 29, 2012, three days after a fall from his horse while competing in the Masters Classic at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida. Don was in his seventies—an all-around sportsman with interests in foxhunting, polo, show jumping, Thoroughbred racing, and sailing. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he lived most of his life on Boston’s North Shore, hunting and playing polo at the Myopia Hunt Club in Hamilton. He also enjoyed hunting with the Piedmont Fox Hounds in Virginia—a hunt with close family ties to Myopia. He was captain of the Myopia polo team from 1968 until 1981 and served as MFH of the Myopia Hunt—one of America’s oldest hunt clubs—since 1989. He also served the MFHA as a Director for the New England District. Don was a pilot, a U.S. Air Force veteran, and the youngest air commander serving in the Strategic Air Command. Active in the world of Thoroughbred racing, Don founded the well-known Centennial Farms racing partnership that campaigned Rubiano and Belmont Stakes winner Colonial Affair. At the time of his death he was an investment manager at UBS. Posted February 29, 2012... This content is for subscribers only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here
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Bridlespur Hunt Photo Gallery

Click any photo to open a slideshow {phocagallery view=category|categoryid=57|limitstart=0|limitcount=0}... This content is for subscribers only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here
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2012 Foxhunting Calendar Has a New Face

FHL_Cover_2012_Hi-resThe annual foxhunting calendar that we’ve been publishing for almost fifteen years has a new face for 2012. Redesigned for Foxhunting Life, the new cover design carries forward the black and scarlet look and feel of our website banner.

On the inside, while our foxhunting images continue to represent the finest examples of the sporting photographer’s art, another new feature has been added! We’ve gone international with a photo from an Irish hunt and an English hunt!

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The Ballymacad Foxhounds at Castlerahan

Huntsman_Kevin_Donaghoe_at_Carrichavee_RockHuntsman Kevin Donohue at Carrichavee RockThe area around the Ballymacad Foxhounds meet at Castlerahan on the outskirts of Oldcastle, County Meath in Ireland is steeped in Irish history. It is part of the old Royal Capital of Ireland. There are many hunting references to be found in the area. The entrance to the town of Oldcastle is over Sliamh na Callaigh which looks out on Loughcrew, the five-thousand-year-old site of the Summer Solstice, where one of the most important High Kings of Ireland, King Ollamh Fodhla was buried in 1277 BC. He officiated at the Feis Teamhrach or The Great Fair held on the Hill of Tara, where in addition to legislative affairs of the ancient Brehon Laws, he introduced horse fairs, horse racing, and hunting.

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