Millbrook Hunt's 116th First Roading of the new season. Erin McKenney, Huntsman, and Alex Price, First Whipper-In. Photo by Bill Richards.
The first week of July was Millbrook Hunt's first day of roading hounds. This is Millbrook Hunt's 116th season, which is just amazing.
The off season is puppy season. Susan Walker's Longreen Foxhounds have a very cozy whelping box at Susan's house outside of Memphis, Tennessee.
Longreen Foxhounds Furnace with her new puppies. Photo by Susan Walker.
Henry Whittaker with Respite. Photo by Storme Whittaker.
“Foxhunting is all about the moment between moments.” - Kristy Lathrop of Fort Leavenworth Hunt.
Here is a moment between moments, a young boy and a hound pause in the middle of the chaotic time when the hunt is gathering to begin the day’s sport. Content with their own company, two souls soak in the living history before them.
Photo by Douglas Lees.
Douglas Lees caught sight of a gorgeous red fox while out with the Piedmont Fox Hounds at Over Creek Farm.
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