with Horse and Hound

November 27, 2014

stu grod2.julie stuart seger

Stu Grod Retires from the Field at Eighty-Four

stu grod2.julie stuart segerJulie Stuart Seger photoStuart Grod—popular field member of the Fairfield County Hounds (CT)—has retired after forty-three consecutive seasons hunting in the first flight. A retirement party was held in Stu’s honor at the hunt’s clubhouse on November 22, 2014, where well-known food and travel author Michael Stern read a poem he composed for the occasion.

"Build a bridge with your hands on the mane;"
"Trot smooth as you head for the jump;"
"Go light when your hands hold the reins;"
"And don't crowd on the lead horse's rump:"

Just some of Stu's tips I've acquired
Since I started to ride with you folks.
I'll miss you up there, you strange country squire
With your bright eyes, your wisdom, and jokes.

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Behind Enemy Lines

Click photo for larger view Photographer Jim Duggan was perfectly positioned to catch this clever coyote stealthily sneaking behind the field of the Golden’s Bridge Hounds (NY) at Vaile Lane. Posted November 28, 2014
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