with Horse and Hound

March 1, 2011

Dr. Lewis McCurdy, Popular Alabama Foxhunter, Dies After Hunting Accident

Tragedy struck Saturday, February 28 at Belle Meade Hunt in Thomson, Georgia, according to a press release from Epp Wilson, MFH and huntsman. Dr. Lewis McCurdy, a visiting huntsman from Tuscumbia, Alabama, fell from his horse when it missed a turn while hunting. Dr. McCurdy, a large animal veterinarian, was visiting along with several other members of the Full Cry Hunt from Tuscumbia. He has been a passionate polo player and fox and coyote hunter for over twenty years. He has been a staff member and has hunted the hounds for his home hunt in Alabama. Dr. McCurdy was immediately assessed and cared for by an emergency medicine physician and two other physicians and a nurse who were riding directly in front of and behind him. They all witnessed the accident. He was wearing an ASTM safety approved equestrian helmet which Belle Meade Hunt members are required to wear. Ground ambulance and air ambulance were instantly called, and he was transported by helicopter to MCG Trauma Center in critical condition. He had sustained neck injuries and died at the hospital Monday afternoon. His wife Nancy McCurdy and their two grown children were at his side when he passed away. Dr. and Mrs. McCurdy are well-loved by family and a large circle of friends. Dr. McCurdy is known for his spirit of adventure and passion for foxhunting and polo. He is also known for his generosity and kindness and has advanced many youths’ lives through college scholarships. He and Mrs. McCurdy have two children and five grandchildren. “The McCurdy family, community and hunt family are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. We all appreciate the rapid response and professionalism of the local Fire Fighters, Ambulance and Flight Paramedics. Their team effort assured that Dr. McCurdy received the best care as quickly as possible,” said Epp Wilson. In another report, The Huntsville Times said that Dr. McCurdy was chosen by the Alabama Veterinary Medical Association as Vet of the Year in 2007. “We lost a great veterinarian and friend today,” said Dr. Angela Concannon, president of the Madison County Veterinary Medical Association. “He never met a stranger and was very, very passionate about veterinary medicine. It was one of his great loves and it showed through everything he did. Please keep praying for his wife and family.” McCurdy was a 1974 graduate of the Auburn University School of Veterinary Medicine. Posted March 1, 2011
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