with Horse and Hound

Townies Should Pass an Exam Before Voting on Rural Affairs

Retired star cricket player and professional team captain David Gower suggests that “townies” should be required to pass an exam on rural affairs before being allowed to vote on issues that affect the countryside. He also accuses politicians who are “allergic to grass” of making unpopular decisions about countryside matters. Gowers’ comments were made to Readers Digest magazine.

“I’ve no desire to hunt foxes, but I don’t want to stop others,” he said. Gower shoots and said that he has had interesting discussions with people about firing at defenseless pheasants. He worries about the time when townies decide to arm the pheasants, and they start shooting back.

For more of Gower’s unorthodox ideas and how he is perceived by his opponents, read Simon Cable’s complete article in Mail Online.

Posted July 28, 2013
