with Horse and Hound

Puppy Season with Longreen Foxhounds

 The off season is puppy season.  Susan Walker’s Longreen Foxhounds have a very cozy whelping box at Susan’s house outside of Memphis, Tennessee.

Longreen Foxhounds kennels 2Longreen Foxhounds Furnace with her new puppies. Photo by Susan Walker.

 Susan Walker, huntsman and joint master, says this of her new litter, “Pups are four weeks old. Having learned to climb into their box with the step, they can now go outside the kennel building and back in climbing on the blocks. Furnace is enjoying her platform of escape.”

Longreen Foxhounds kennels 3Longreen Foxhounds Furnace with her litter. Photo by Susan Walker.

Longreen Foxhounds kennels 1The rest of the pack gets to sleep in a larger version of the whelping box. Photo by Susan Walker.

