with Horse and Hound

2010 Hunt Roster

hunt-rosterIn cooperation with the Masters of Foxhounds Association, the 2010 Roster of Hunts in North America is now available on Foxhunting Life. Published this year as a supplement to Covertside magazine, the Hunt Roster may be viewed here electronically by going to the Resources drop-down menu and clicking on Hunt Roster under the Travel category.

As traveling foxhunters know, an up-to-date hunt roster is a must-have resource. The names and contact information for all Masters and Hunt Secretaries are available for requesting permission to hunt, and the days of the week that hounds go out facilitate trip planning.

Each hunt’s button, hunt colors, and the names of the huntsmen, whippers-in, and other hunt staff are shown. Location of kennels, the types and number of foxhounds in kennel, a description of the hunting country, and the dates of the season are also published.

The electronic version is easy to read and navigate, and we invite you to make good use of it.
