Mounted game trophies are often seen in hunters’ homes as reminders of adventures worth remembering and fallen game worthy of respect. Also, as in the case of a pair of canvasback ducks shot years ago by my wife and soaring in graceful flight on one wall of our den, trophies may be mounted simply as permanent visions of the beauty of the natural world—one's own museum of natural history—surpassing anything wrought by the artist and cast in cold bronze.
Mounted trophies are also to be found at estate auctions and antique shops. It is the latter category that prompts this query from Foxhunting Life reader Bill Getchell:
“Is there a consensus,” asks Bill, “regarding the display of mounted trophies? Strict constructionists say you should do so only for game that you hunted. Others leave it wide open, maintaining it shows support for the sport and saves the trophy from the trash heap.”
With the caveat that are no right or wrong answers to this question, only personal opinions, here are two thoughtful yet differing views from two experienced and respected sportsmen on FHL’s Panel of Experts: Nigel Peel, MFH and huntsman of the North Cotswold Foxhounds (UK) and Hugh Robards, ex-MFH and currently huntsman of the Middleburg Hunt (VA):
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