with Horse and Hound

The Keswick Hunt…In Motion!

Here’s Phil Audibert’s cleverly edited video montage of the Keswick Hunt’s 2014/2015 foxhunting season, set to the music of the Ryegrass Rollers. The fox, the hounds, huntsman Tony Gammell, Masters, staff, and the Keswick field members all play the starring roles in this fast-paced romp through the Virginia countryside.

Cross Gate Gallery Accepting Consignments ad
ring with rein design in gold with diamonds
Tri County Feeds winter sale ad
Mark Lexton
Horse Books Plus
Middleburg Real Estate
Blue Ridge Trailers
The Antique Hunt
Blind Bombing
Cross Gate Gallery sporting art hound painting
photo of fox kits by Liz Callar
Erik Olsen Photography
Cathy Summers
Noel Mullins
Lauren Giannini
KLM Images