with Horse and Hound

Starting Young at Green Creek

carolina1Carolina Foster at the 2015 Carolinas Hound Show / Anne Shue photoWith a bit of instruction from Tot Goodwin, MFH and huntsman of the Green Creek Hounds (SC), two-year-old Carolina Foster showed Green Creek Rita 2007 in the Junior Handler class with confidence beyond her years. Carolina’s pal, Sophie Martin, an older woman of five, also showed in the class. Carolina’s mother Anne Shue and Sophie’s mother Shanna Mauldin both whip-in to Tot. The two wee ladies appear to be following in their mothers’ irons. We hope so!

sophiecropSophie Martin has has a stern grip on her foxhound! / Anne Shue photo

c and tTot Goodwin, MFH lends assistance to two-year-old Carolina / Anne Shue photo
