with Horse and Hound

Red Letter Day with the Stoke Hill Beagles

Stoke_Hill_New_Years_Day_1984_in_HonitonStoke Hill Beagles, 1983. (front) Huntsman C.W. Allen, MH and first whipper-in/kennel huntsman Suzy L. Allen, (rear) second whipper-in Richard K. Hill, Esq.

As reported in an earlier News item, Boxing Day—the day after Christmas—traditionally draws large numbers of riders and spectators at foxhunting meets in England. According to The Daily Mail, a quarter of a million hunt supporters turned out for Boxing Day meets last month.

It's a banner day traditionally for all forms of hunting with hounds, including beagling. Here’s a report of a Boxing Day meet of the Stoke Hill Beagles that took place on December 26, 1983 in Devon, England. It was a red letter day according to C.W. Allen, MH.

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