Brazos Valley Marley 2010 (Brazos Valley Catfish 2006 – Their Meadow 2007) / Greg Germann photoImagine a middle-aged mother with teen-aged children winning a beauty pageant. Nice! But rare. That’s what happened at the Southwest Hound Show on Saturday, April 16. Brazos Valley Marley 2010, a seven-year-old brood bi*ch* that has hunted for six seasons, was judged Grand Champion of Show.
Marley was also judged Grand Champion at the Central States Hound Show, but that was back in 2012. She’s been mostly in the shadow of her littermate, Mystic, who was Grand Champion of the Southwest Hound Show for three years running from 2011 to 2013.
“She’s had a litter, and since then she’s been holding more weight,” explained huntsman Sandy Dixon, MFH. “She’s lovely.”
Marley’s and Mystic’s success is no stroke of luck. They’re the product of a royal breeding engineered by Dixon. She put a dog hound of her own breeding—Brazos Valley Catfish 2006—to a Potomac-bred bi*ch that she entered in 2006—Brazos Valley Meadow.
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