with Horse and Hound

Where Do They Go?

Now that FHL has been riding the web for a couple of months, we’ve accumulated a list of articles that first appeared on the Home Page, but were gradually dropped off to make space for new material.

“Where do these articles go?” a couple of subscribers asked me recently. “Are they still available to be viewed and read?”

These articles are definitely still available, I replied. They can be found in their respective sections by subject, mostly under the Horse and Hound drop-down menu.

For example, past reports from the hunts and articles about hunting will be found under the Horse and Hound drop-down menu by clicking on Hunt Reports. Articles about foxhounds, hound shows, and puppy shows are accumulated under Horse and Hound in the Hounds section. Articles about new books, excerpts from old books, and poetry are collected in the Literature section. Articles describing Featured Properties are, you guessed it, under that very section. Even all my old blogs are retained under the same Horse and Hound drop-down in Norm Fine’s Blog.

I hope all subscribers will choose their own rainy or dreary day to login and take the time to browse the various drop-down menus and become familiar with navigating FHL. We want you to get the most value, enjoyment, and information you can from your subscription.

Finally, don’t forget the Search Site function. Find it in the left-hand column of the Home Page under the Using FHL button. Type in a name, phrase, or key words and it will find all matching articles for you.
August 16, 2010
