Karen Myers photoFor foxhunters, our sport plays a major role in establishing the rhythm of our year. Yes, other interests and family matters intrude on this major annual cycle, but September looms large as the start of the foxhunting season for most of us.
The summer months are for keeping the horses moving and smiling when hearing a fox squall in the night through the open windows. But September brings the dry air, the cool mornings, and blindly searching the pasture for your hunter before dawn.
For some, it’s picking up where we left off last March; for others it’s the fascination of watching new staff find their way with our pack and our country. For all of us, it’s the promise of young, bewildered hounds whose genes are about to fire and point them toward their reason for being.
So, send us your hunting reports. Tell us what’s going on in your country with hounds, quarry, and staff. Write it in your own format and email it to us, or click here for our Hunt Report Form to which you can attach photos and submit your report with a single click.
And when your formal season begins, please send us your Opening Meet photos so we can bring our Banner Slide Show at the top of the screen up-to-date with 2012 photos of hunts all across North America.
Forrard on!
Posted September 12, 2012