with Horse and Hound

Music, Food, Art, and Foxhunting

norman_on_SlimKaren Myers photoI can’t help but notice that this week’s topics constitute a comprehensive and balanced offering. Music, food, art, and foxhunting. What more could any sportsman want from life? Okay, okay, but let’s just leave it this way!


Listen, then download another of Edwin Hall’s country foxhunting songs. Learn the chorus, and you won’t be able to resist singing along!


Check out the winners in this year’s hunt breakfast recipe contest. As our judge Juliet Mackay-Smith says, there are so many fine recipes in so many categories that selecting the winners presented her with very hard choices.


Linda Volrath describes art as a visual language in which the artist attempts to capture a fleeting image along with the mood of the moment and communicate it to the viewer in a permanent way. Foxhunting Life is proud to feature both her oil paintings and the philosophy behind her endeavors.


Out of respect for St. Patrick’s Day, follow the Scarteen hounds—the famous Black and Tans bred for three centuries by the Ryan family—over the big bank country around Lattin, County Limerick, where involuntary dismounts claim the very best of their followers!

Out with the Old; In with the New:

Although some of our Canadian neighbors have a spring season, and some northern hunts start their new season in August, the majority of us are now winding our hunting seasons down. Livestock is birthing, vixens are whelping, and land is being prepared for crops. We give it all a rest and look forward to early September and a new season, new foxhound entries, and perhaps a new field hunter here and there. A lot to look forward to! How lucky we are.

There is no season’s end for Foxhunting Life, however. We’ll be busy all spring and summer keeping you informed and entertained. Stay tuned!

Posted March 21, 2011
