with Horse and Hound

Dedicated Website Lists Field Hunters for Sale

nodh.klmLooking for a Field Hunter? Try FoxhuntingHorse.com, a website dedicated to our discipline. Certainly, horse marketing websites have been used successfully for years, but if you were looking for an experienced foxhunter, you had to wade through a lot of horses in a lot of other disciplines.

Many of those ads, after telling you that the horse is a great mover, snaps its knees, has four flashy white socks, and is schooling successfully over two feet, finish with the line, “Would make a great field hunter.” Well, maybe, but not just yet.

FoxhuntingHorse.com was created by Lisha Marshall, an experienced horsewoman and foxhunter. The website segregates field hunters into categories: First Flight, Second Flight, Hilltopper, Child’s Hunter, Staff Horses. Each horse’s experience is described in terms that are meaningful to the foxhunter.

Lisha was born to an equestrian family. She currently runs Broad Hill Run Farm in Harriman, Tennessee, located between Nashville and Knoxville. The farm specializes in breeding and training quality sport horses for the amateur owner market. Lisha foxhunted for years and whipped-in to the Tennessee Valley Hunt. She created her new website because she sees too many unsuitable horses misrepresented to buyers as “proven hunt horses.” She screens sellers on her site and assists them with their ads to produce a clear picture for the buyer.

Please note that Foxhunting Life has no relationship with FoxhuntingHorse.com, and is not endorsing this or any other site. We bring it to your attention because we believe that Lisha has implemented a useful concept that should be of interest to foxhunters. If there are other dedicated field hunter marketing websites out there, please tell us about them in the Comments block below. Our job is to inform!

Posted January 10, 2013
