Everyone has a question at some time on an arcane hunting term, the correct attire, a point of etiquette. Or you might wonder one day why the huntsman did what he did. The FHL Panel of Experts will answer your question on any aspect of hounds, hound breeding, hunting hounds in the field, training the field hunter, foxhunting history, sporting art, and literature. Try us!

Hugh Robards, ex-MFH
Huntsman, Author

Dr. Roger Scullin, MFH
Veterinarian, Foxhound Breeder

Jerry Miller, MFH
Huntsman, Foxhound Breeder

Nigel Peel, MFH (UK)
Hunstman, Breeder, Judge

C. Martin Wood III, MFH
MFHA President 1990-1993
Huntsman, Breeder, Judge

Steve Price
Author or Editor of 19 books, including The Whole Horse Catalog and 1001 Best Things Ever Said About Horses

C. Martin Scott, ex-MFH (UK)
Foxhound Breeder, Judge, Writer

Bill Gamble Photo
Marion Thorne, MFH
Huntsman, Foxhound Breeder
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