with Horse and Hound

February 5, 2017

Scotland’s SNP Would Alter Hunting Ban; Trample Ancient Codes of Law

Scottish National Party (SNP) Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham proposes to tighten the screws on foxhunters in that country. Scotland was the first nation in the UK to pass a hunting act affecting foxhunting. Now the SNP wants to tighten the act with measures that border on the oppressive, if not the actual contravention of basic human rights. Cunningham proposes two measures that, if passed, could spell the demise in Scotland of any sporting activity that even remotely resembles foxhunting: (1) Make the landowner criminally liable for any offences that may occur on his/her property, and (2) reverse the burden of proof to the defendant rather than the prosecutor, so that the accused hunt club would have the burden to prove that it complied with the law. A reversal of the burden of proof not only contravenes Article 11 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, it flies in the face of legal principles followed since the sixth century’s Justinian Code, and the twelfth century’s English Common Law. Notwithstanding these recommended breaches of basic human rights, pro-hunting organizations and animal rights organizations alike have welcomed the opportunity to clarify the present Hunting Act. The Scottish Countryside Alliance welcomed the chance to work with the Scottish Government and Police Scotland on the new code; and the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland also welcomed the chance to make the law “clearer and more suited to its intended purpose.” Apparently both sides believe they have something to gain by negotiating the proposals. As this writer sees it, the downside is considerably more terminal for foxhunters in light of national polls. For more details, click for Simon Johnson’s complete article in The Telegraph. Posted February 6, 2017
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John Denis

The Galway Blazers at Cawley’s Bar in Craughwell

John DenisJohn Denis became the first huntsman of the County Galway Hunt (the Blazers) when it was organised in 1839  /  Courtesy of Noel Mullins

The Castleboy Hunt Club, established in 1803, hunted the Galway foxes until 1839. At that time a new hunt committee founded the County Galway Hunt, better known today as the Galway Blazers. John Denis, a direct ancestor of the only lady huntsman of the Blazers, Molly O’Rourke, was appointed the first huntsman.
In years past, top Hollywood stars were often seen in Galway visiting the late film director and actor John Huston, a Joint-Master of the Blazers at the time. I have great personal memories of hunting with the Blazers over the years, starting as a child over sixty years ago. In later years I had the pleasure also of serving on the Blazers hunt committee. Few had transport in those early days, so we hacked to meets sometime five and often up to twenty miles from our hometown Loughrea, especially if the meet was Athenry or Turloughmore.

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