Here’s our 2018 Foxhunting Life Calendar, featuring all new photos for the New Year. Doug Gehlsen of Middleburg Photo shot our cover image of huntsman Hugh Robards with the hounds of the Middleburg Hunt. The photo memorializes the last hunt of Hugh's brilliant forty-seven-year career as a professional huntsman. The first twenty-seven seasons of Hugh's career were spent showing world class sport for Master Lord Daresbury, members of the County Limerick Foxhounds (IR), and a constant flow of visiting sportsmen and women from all over England, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and America. Our 2018 calendar is dedicated to Hugh Robards.
The calendar includes the work of many of the best-known sporting photgraphers in the world, with images from England, Ireland, and North America. We’ve been publishing our appointments calendar since 1998, and our annual collection of foxhunting images continues to represent the finest examples of the sporting photographer’s art. Represented in this year’s photo collection are hunts in England, Ireland, and North America. Images include horses, hounds, foxes, and coyotes in action, seductive scenes shot in the most beautiful hunting landscapes imaginable, and photographs that simply tell a story to foxhunters about foxhunting.
Our subscription blog and e-magazine, FHL Week, is packed with captivating content, while offering valuable reference materials and resources, all in one convenient place.