with Horse and Hound

Both Ends of the Spectrum

Steph Burch has some wonderful images from several English foxhunts this season.  They show both the highs and lows of our sport or shall I say the dry and wet?

Beaufort Steph Burch PhotographyDuke of Beauforts Foxhounds 2022 Opening Meet. Photo by Steph Burch Photography.

This image from the Duke of Beauforts Foxhounds 2022 Opening Meet is a favorite of mine.  What a cold and wet story this image says!

The rest of the Duke of Beauforts Foxhounds 2022 Opening Meet images can be found here:  https://stephburchphoto.zenfolio.com/p488157212

Stuart Timothy Radbourne jumping hedge Steph Burch PhotographyAvon Vale Foxhounds Stuart Timothy Radbourne jumping a hedge. Photo by Steph Burch Photography.

The next photo from Steph Burch is from the Avon Vale Foxhounds. Stuart Timothy Radbourne shows how to hop a hedge with style in the dawning light.  Just a beautiful shot.

The rest of the Avon Vale Foxhounds images from that morning can be found here: https://stephburchphoto.zenfolio.com/p154033494

Orginially published on November 13, 2022. 
