with Horse and Hound

Tribute to Paisley

Belle Meade Paisley. Photo by Joshua Hoy.

Stephanie Presley is the professional kennelman for the Belle Meade Hunt in Thomson, Georgia. She wrote a lovely tribute to a favorite hound in the kennels. Belle Meade Hunt was recognized in 1970 and has crossbred hounds.

From Stephanie: Belle Meade Paisley was a remarkable hound whose passion for her work was evident in everything she did. I am honored to have had the chance to love and care for her. Watching her hunt was an absolute pleasure, and her contributions to training the next generation of puppies were instrumental. Paisley kept the females in her run in line with her characteristic assertiveness.

Paisley’s memory will be cherished forever, and her love will never be forgotten.

A diagnosis of kidney failure preceded Paisley’s passing. Hounds, with their strong work ethic and toughness, often conceal signs of illness until it is too late. Regrettably, Paisley’s condition had progressed to an advanced stage before it was detected.

*The photographer Joshua Hoy’s daughter is a junior member of Belle Meade. His website is here: Joshua Hoy Photography portfolio website.
