with Horse and Hound

September 12, 2011


What’s Hard to “Like”?

Okay, I’ll admit that I’m a Neanderthal when it comes to social media. Why does Foxhunting Life need a Facebook page, I wondered. Those in the know assured me it would be useful. They were right. Some of you have posted some terrific material on Foxhunting Life’s Facebook page. Hugh Brown from the Glenmore Hunt (VA) posted a cubhunting photo he took. It’s one of the most scenic hunting photos I’ve seen in a long time; it makes you hum. Photographer Karen Myers posted a video from her husband’s website of a foal’s first shower bath that will bring a smile to your face no matter what your day was like. I’m beginning to understand that these are the kinds of short takes that are perfect to distribute via Facebook. FHL invites you to do the same for your fellow foxhunters. Post photos, videos—anything that you know another foxhunter will appreciate. We are an international fraternity, after all. To receive our posts, or to be able to post your own photos and videos on our Facebook page, you must first click on the “Like” button just above. (Or click on the “Like” button on Foxhunting Life’s Facebook page.) Once that’s done, you will be able to post your material on the FHL Facebook page, and you will receive all posts to our Facebook page directly on your personal Facebook News Feed. What’s hard to Like? Posted September 12, 2011
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